Knight Times

The Student News Site of Arizona College Prep

Knight Times

Knight Times

National College Decision Day

High school seniors all over the United States are preparing to finalize their decision to attend the college in which they will pursue their studies. This is an extremely important time for them because it will guide them further throughout their academic career, and let them know about their financial situation as they venture into the deeper waters of tertiary education. College can be extremely expensive, so getting to know ahead of time what someone is eligible for in terms of student financial aid can make all the difference In deciding which college to attend.

The first of May has typically been known as National College Decision day, but this year that changed due to the numerous changes made by Federal Student Aid. Although these changes are meant to simplify the form as well as assist in more students receiving financial aid, there have been many glitches and delays which have resulted in several colleges extending the deadline. The delays and reprocessing resulted in the necessary information not being given to students in time to make an educated decision. Various schools took different approaches. The Ivy League schools kept their deadline on May 1st, while many other colleges waited on May 15th, with some even waiting until Labor Day.

We know that our graduating seniors have all found a way around this issue, showing their perseverance in the face of conflict and know they will do very well if they choose to move on in the world of academics. Go Knights!

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