It’s That Time of the Year Again…


Katarina Marceta

Some of Mr. J’s mole decorations.

Despite being a seemingly normal fall day for everyone, October 23rd is, in fact, a pretty special day (at least for chemistry enthusiasts). From 6:02 a.m. until 6:02 p.m., chemists and chemistry students celebrate Avogadro’s Number: 6.02 x 1023. The unofficial holiday is celebrated on October 23rd because October is the tenth month of the year (hence the 1023).

Katarina Marceta
Every October ACP chemistry students celebrate Mole Day with a fun party.

A mole is simply a basic unit of measurement in chemistry. Amedeo Avogadro, an Italian mathematical physicist, showed that under controlled conditions of temperature and pressure, equal volumes of gases contain an equal amount of molecules, which later became known as Avogadro’s Law.

Skip a few hundred years to the 1980’s when word got out about a high school chemistry teacher who celebrated the famous number. Soon enough, in 1991, the National Mole Day Foundation was established with its purpose of getting students excited about chemistry. The easiest way to do that, of course, is by holding a Mole Day party.

Kristin Myer
Mr. J reluctantly answering questions.

Here at ACP, students in the various chemistry classes celebrate by having a Mole Day every October. Mr. Jagiello, our chemistry and AP chemistry teacher, prefers to keep a low profile on campus. However, Mr. Jagiello, more commonly known as Mr. J, is known for his fun yet strict classroom setting and sarcastic humor (and of course, his great Mole Day parties).

I asked Mr. J if he could answer some questions for the Knight Times on moles and Mole Day. After nagging him, he finally gave in and complied. Here’s what Mr. J had to say about Mole Day:

Q: How long have you been celebrating Mole Day in your class?

A: 23 years. (He said this with a straight face).

Q: What’s your favorite part about Mole Day?

A: All the “healthy” food students bring in.

Katarina Marceta
Students frying bacon in the fume hood.

Q: Is there anything you’d change about the Mole Day party?

A: I cannot think of anything that would make it better.

Thank you to Mr. J for complying, despite being overly skeptical of me and my questions (you’re still one of my favorite teachers).

While I struggled to conduct an interview with Mr. J., the students in his third hour AP chemistry class were having a blast. Everyone had brought a wide variety of food, from chips to popcorn to cookies to bacon. Some students brought in a mini television to play video games, while others hung out with their friends and ate the plethora of food sitting on the front table.

No one was dismole this Mole Day as everyone molelaborated to make this celebration one to remember! Happy Mole Day everyone!

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