Eric Wilkerson and the ACP Wrestling Team

Eric Wilkerson and the ACP Wrestling Team

As we progress through the years of ACP, our sports teams are getting better and better as our school expands. One of the recent achievements was Eric Wilkerson and the Wrestling team as a whole, crushing the competition at the latest AIA wrestling competition, placing 11th overall. We sat down with Eric Wilkerson, who placed 2nd at sectionals and 4th at state, and asked him about the wrestling team and his passion for the sport.

The first thing of course is understanding how the tournaments work. AIA stands for Arizona Interscholastic Association, an organization that helps schools coordinate sports competitions throughout Arizona; they have a variety of sports such as soccer, track and field, and of course, wrestling. The way the tournaments work is a standard bracket format while following the rules of wrestling, and in most tournaments, the top six are awarded for their efforts, while at sectionals and up, only the top four are awarded. We also were curious about how Eric trains for his matches. “I have been working tirelessly for many years to prepare for this competition, and I am proud of the progress I have made. My training has been intense and focused, with a combination of weightlifting, cardio, and wrestling drills. I have also been following a strict nutrition plan to ensure my body is in peak condition for the tournament. Beyond the physical training, I have also been working on my mind, practicing visualization techniques, and seeking advice from my coaches and mentors.”

During the tournament itself, Eric says that “My performance was fantastic, it went just as I practiced, with my years of hard work and determination. I placed 2nd at sectionals and our team as a whole placed 11th.” The entire team did a wonderful job, and we have one of the best wrestling teams in the State. The last thing we asked is a much more personal question – we wanted to know why Eric wrestles. “While I love the sport and the competition, my primary motivation for wrestling is to develop my discipline and my ability to push myself, and ultimately to become a better person overall. Wrestling is a physically and mentally demanding sport, and it requires a tremendous amount of discipline and hard work to excel. Through my training and competition, I have learned the importance of setting goals, working tirelessly to achieve them, and persevering even when faced with obstacles or setbacks. Moreover, wrestling has taught me the value of humility, sportsmanship, and respect for others. I have learned that the pursuit of excellence is not just about winning, but about demonstrating a commitment to hard work, perseverance, and personal growth. By dedicating myself to wrestling, I have gained important life skills that extend far beyond the wrestling mat. I am more disciplined, focused, and resilient than I was before, and I am confident that these skills will serve me well in all areas of my life.” We are all proud of Eric and the wrestling team as a whole for their amazing job at the tournament. Go Knights!