A Day In The Life of a Senior, Noah Croft

Dear readers, whether we like it or not, 2021 is not much different from 2020. Of course, a year and COVID’s anniversary have just passed, but not a lot can truly change right now. We’re still stuck in the same monotonous cycle of seeing barely the halves of people’s faces, walking amongst potential disease carriers, and attempting to carry on with all of our new lives. This is no different for high schoolers, especially seniors. With their most influential and exciting year stripped away, they can only make the most of the breadcrumbs that are left. However, one senior in particular seems to shine through the fog with his optimism, humor, sass, and love. I figured he’s just the perfect example of what a chaotic and kind-hearted class we are…ladies and gents, here’s a day in the life of Noah Croft!

Noah Croft

“I wake up everyday at 5:30 AM,” Noah chirped as we chatted over the phone; thank goodness he couldn’t see my face scrunch up just thinking about that early hour. He sticks to the usual: shower, eat breakfast, get dressed, and catch the bus. However, he reluctantly pointed out that “my selfcare routine actually takes an hour and a half. I have got to take care of my face, skin, and ‘hair.'” Fast forward to 7 AM on an even block day. Usually, he’ll visit Mrs. Giberson to sit in her room and take necessary “me-time.” This, of course, must include Noah admiring himself through his camera lens because, not to anyone’s surprise, he always looks “snatched.”

After his “hype session,” Noah is off to second period, which is AP Government with Ms. Painter. “Oh, I love her! The class is always filled with thought-provoking conversations and useful worktime. She has so many exciting stories too! The best part is that they always relate back to the topic at hand. In my opinion, if the capitol were under siege again, she could totally protect it herself!” With one exhilarating class out of the way, Noah is off to yet another: AP Literature with Mrs. Patterson! “Oh my gosh, her anecdotes are iconic! Along with her upbeat and understanding energy, comes a classroom filled with interesting friends and peers, making our literary discussions drastically different from one another in the best way possible. She keeps her class fun and interactive despite the circumstances, and…her fashion sense gives me life!” Finally, to end quite an eventful day at school after a quick lunch with his friends, Noah is one of the main office TA’s during sixth hour. “Last semester, I was with Alex Lee, Kayden Martinez, and Jacinta Kane, and it was like a party everyday! Despite all the work we had to do, we would always make it fun, help each other, and have such good vibes. Now, I’m still a TA and I enjoy it just as much.

After a long day at school, Noah has two options; One, he either reports to wrestling practice as a manager to help the team, or two, he takes a quick stroll home to relax, do homework, watch his favorite Twitch streamers, and chat with his friends online. However, once the clock strikes 8:45 PM, Noah logs off and goes to bed after a lengthy night routine, prepared and ready for the new day that lies ahead.

Noah Croft

Despite Noah seemingly having it all together, much stress comes in these trying times. “It’s frightening having to walk into a school filled with people everyday during a pandemic; knowing that AZ is the COVID capital of the world doesn’t ease much of it either.” Even so, throughout periods of both quarantine, public, and at-home learning “I’ve definitely grown as a person. I mean, we have no one but ourselves to get to know in times of isolation.” He offers hope to others, saying that “something good can come out of self-reflection, hard work, and patience.”

Well knights, I hope you’ve gained some insight on the inner workings of one of your most popular upperclassmen. Remember to look both ways before you cross the road, strive for the impossible, and be extraordinary!