ACP Spirit Week Takes a Trip Down The Yellow Brick Road

There’s no better way for our Knights to show their spirit than this week. From dressing in opposites to covering themselves in yellow, our students really do look like they arrived straight out of Oz. This week-long celebration all culminates in one amazing Homecoming game – a match that our school won’t soon forget. Thankfully, the excitement doesn’t end there! The next day, most of our students will be dancing their hearts out at Homecoming. This six-day celebration of spirit at ACP is sure to warm the hearts of anyone, even those who want to visit the wizard for one.

Across the entire spirit week we saw students expressing not only the theme (Wizard of Oz), but also themselves. Monday’s Ruby Sneaker Monday gave our more athletic students a chance to represent themselves and their favorite sports. Tuesday’s Twister day allowed our wackier students to show up in their craziest ensembles. Wednesday’s Which Witch showed off the school’s most lovable BFF’s and couples, or just kids who love group coordination. Travel Through Oz Thursday presented a good look into which grade is our most spirited. Friday closed out our Spirit Week strong by giving all of our students a chance to wear everyone’s favorite color: bright, blinding yellow.

Spirit Week gives ACP a chance to represent its true colors; and this theme isn’t far off from ACP’s morals. In a way, ACP is represented in all of these characters; a group of very different people, each with their own goals, all working together for the common good.

One large difference between the Land of Oz and the Land of ACP? We have more heart, bravery, brains, and a better home than the movie ever presented. Even if you can’t make it to the Homecoming game this Friday, or even Homecoming on Saturday, make sure you keep on following that yellow brick road. Who knows where it’ll lead?