HoCo History: The Class of 2022’s Last Homecoming Dance


Homecoming: The first dance of the school year, followed by The Winter Formal, MORP, and finally Prom. Homecoming is the Spring blossom of the school year; the weeks leading up to it are the sprouts growing, gaining in size and beauty. Then the actual dance is the final product: shimmering with dew, a vibrant array of color, and wonderfulness as the first quarter of the school year winds to a close. The class of 2022 had one last “spring” (which was the 2021-2022 school year), and they went all out for their last Homecoming dance as high schoolers.

In October of last year, the dance was held, but in the weeks leading up to that there was much to do, with the school voting for a theme, preparation, and the buildup of anticipation.

As the first quarter comes to a close, the senior class drapes the halls with decorations in preparation for the theme: Monster Mash. The halls and courtyard are covered in Halloween decor, the food is prepared by the staff, and kids of all grades are texting, talking, messaging, emailing each other “who’s going with whom?”, “where are we meeting up?”, “what are you wearing?” and “I’m so excited!” Later that brisk October as dusk appears the cars pull up, with students excited to see their friends, excited to see the decorations that the decorating crew worked so hard to put up, and excited to dance the night away.

During the dance, the courtyard was decorated wonderfully, and the punch, redvines, cookies, and popcorn were enjoyed by all. The freshman slowly emerge from their hiding spaces in the corners, the sophomores begin dancing with their friends in small groups around the courtyard as juniors are dominating the dance floor, socializing with their friend groups. Finally, the seniors, looking around at the community that they’ve been with for the past four years, soak in the memories and experiences as they join the festivities.

As this year’s Homecoming dance approaches, make sure to think back on the shared experiences that you’ve had with each other, the memories, and the wacky shenanigans, and never forget those because the Classes of 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026 won’t be around forever, so be sure to attend the dance and make special memories that will last a lifetime.