Science Fair Winners


On March 19th, 27 of the 34 science fair projects that were turned into ACPHS won! There were a total of nine 1st place winners, eight 2nd place winners, seven 3rd place winners, and three honorable mentions. There were 19 categories of projects at the science fair, and I have chosen to interview Kaitlyn Lai who participated in the animal sciences portion.

Q: What made you want to participate in the science fair?

A: I have been participating in the science fair since 8th grade and what made me start was how interesting it is to study and be able to conduct an experiment. Something that made me want to be in science fairs is also the fact that I might be helping my community by solving problems. I also like that I can ask my own questions and have freedom with my experiments.

Q: What was your science fair project that you entered into the fair?

A: My science fair project was focused on honey bees and how they interact and live. I wanted to know how they search for food and do the things necessary to survive in the environment.

Q: What is animal science?
A: Animal science is mostly focusing on how animals behave and how they reflect on humans. We can also use animals to see the differences between people and animals.

Q: How does it feel to win first place in the animal science fair portion of the contest and did you think you would ever get this far?

A: It feels really nice to win. I have been doing the science fair since 8th grade, so it felt like all of my hard work had been paid off. I felt a sense of gratitude, and I was excited for what is to come.

Q: What are some interesting things you learned or already knew about animal scienceses and about your project?

A: I learned that honey bees use their antenna to figure out what they can eat. Also, when I studied their brain, I found lots of new and fascinating information that I didn’t know before.

Q: Do you think you’ll enter next year’s science fair, and is this a hobby you would like to keep continuing?

A: Yes, this year is my senior year so I won’t be at ACP any more, but I would like to keep doing research in a college setting.

Q: What are some of your hobbies and things you like to do in your free time?

A: Over the pandemic I got into crocheting and its been really fun. Also I play the piano, and I practice some martial arts.

The first place winners that participated in the science fair will automatically qualify for the Arizona Science and Engineering Fair. Great Job, Kaitlyn and everyone else who entered in the science fair! ACP congratulates and salutes you on your big win. You have been participating in these fairs since 8th grade and never gave up! Amazing job!