Breathe In and Breathe Out After AP Exams

Breathe In and Breathe Out After AP Exams

For many students at our school, the stress of APs has been burdening us for weeks, maybe even months. It can be even more stressful with the current situation the world is in. No matter how much you studied for your exams, you still are worthy for a break and deserve to relax, especially since this year has been one heck of a year. Here are four ways that you can destress after your AP exams!

  1. Sleep: Of course, the majority of us like to sleep in and charge our brains after almost three weeks of AP exams, which makes sense since sleep is important for your brain to simmer down. It affects literally everything in your body like your health(mental and physical), your appearance, your energy levels, etc.

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  2. Exercise: For other people, sleep isn’t always the answer. We need to stay active when the sun is out or our mind is racing, triggering the inability to sleep properly. Exercise is always the best option during those moments. It pumps endorphins, chemicals produced by the body to relieve stress and pain. Overall, it’s a great way for your body to stay active while also mentally feeling great.

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  3. Cook/Bake: Personally, I love baking. It’s a relief to me and allows me to feel peaceful. For those food-lovers out there, cooking and baking are a way to make food your own way and allows you to mess up without any drastic consequences-unless if you burn down the house somehow.
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    You can surprise your family with tasty treats or scrumptious meals, making it a win-win situation for everyone.

  4. Movie Marathon: Of course, nothing can truly hit the hay after a long week of exams like a nice movie can, with a warm bowl of popcorn in one hand and a TV remote in another. Find a couple of your favorite movies and spend a day snuggled in, ready to watch whatever is in your recommended. Maybe, if you’re having trouble sleeping after all that chaos, it can play as background noise and help you sleep.

Whichever way you chose to go with your time after your exams, it should be one that allows you to treat yourself for your hard work and dedication. It’s not easy studying a class that is meant to be taken in college, and it is definitely not easy to be learning in an environment where everyone around the world is getting sick with a virus. But, though there are some things that you can’t control, which is okay, take the opportunity to make things better for the things you can control. Good luck on your exams, Knights!