2021-2022 Registration

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Curtsy to Google Images

We’re finally in the second semester, which means that it’s time to plan our high school career for the next school year. With a new campus brings new classes and new opportunities for learning. Many of you have probably already seen the video during club time on Monday this week about the registration process. The process will be on paper because of the new campus bringing in more classes next year so students would want to know the selection they have. Students also have the opportunity to take a class in-person, at ACP, or COA. Taking four or more COA classes will consider you a COA student, and if you’re a senior, your transcript will say that you graduated from COA. Each grade level has different due dates for their registration forms. Class of 2022, Juniors, will meet up with Mr. Bickes from February 2 to February 5. Class of 2023, Sophomores, will go on February 8 to February 12. And finally, the Class of 2024, Freshmen, will go on February 16 to February 19. It will be a one-to-one meeting based on when your English class is. Students who attend COA will receive a SignUp Genius later this month to coordinate an in-person or virtual meeting time to review their schedule.

As a reminder, you’re core courses are English, Math, Science, and History, and you will have two electives. You will also have to have three alternative electives in case the electives you requested to join next year are unavailable or full. You can decide whether to take these classes in COA or in ACP. Each grade level, except the Seniors, that are on-campus have been given a registration packet for the upcoming year and will have a week to think about their classes. The rest of the information on the registration process will be in Mr. Bickes’s video. Choose wisely and remember to strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!