Knight Times

The Student News Site of Arizona College Prep

Knight Times

Knight Times

AcDec’s Trivia Night


Trivia is something that is always fun to know. It helps increase our knowledge base and is usually a great way to spring up a conversation. Exercising your knowledge on trivia can help improve your memory and brain health as you age. It’s quite common for your brain to get a dose of happiness from dopamine because of having the right answer. Trivia games additionally sometimes include being in groups, in which case, teamwork is another important concept to be accounted for. Adding another dimension of social interactions this way can be great for trivia night itself. In cases like this, it’s nice to be able to rely on each other and work together to try finding an answer.

On Friday August 11, Academic Decathlon, also known as AcDec, assessed how much trivia students at ACP had under their belt when they hosted a trivia night of their own. From 6pm to 8pm, the students gathered in the cafeteria to test their knowledge with random topics, including songs of past decades and geography. Each group was given a sheet to record their answers, which were then graded at the end of each section at five minute intervals.

During this time, kids were allowed to walk around and purchase items from the concession stand, which was waiting for anyone who wanted to snack on something while they participated. At the end, one group was declared the winner and awaited their prize. At this point, the anticipation was running high, and it was shortly revealed that the surprise was the winning group getting to pie Mr. Roth and Mr. Bickes. A crowd gathered and was excited to see the principal and assistant principal getting pied in the face by students.

After the event, AcDec counted their total earnings. From the concession stand alone, they raised over $100 and considered trivia night a success. We hope that AcDec and other groups around ACP will sponsor future events like this. Remember to strive for the impossible and be extraordinary! Go Knights!

Author: Alex Mejia, Staff Writer

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