Famous Asian-American and Pacific Islanders

Famous Asian-American and Pacific Islanders

Many months throughout the year are dedicated to represent and appreciate certain minority groups or historical events; April is Autism Acceptance month, March is Women’s History Month, and May is no different. May represents Asian-American and Pacific Islanders History month, a group that includes-but is not limited to-Korean-Americans, Chinese-Americans, Indian-Americans, Hawaiian, Samoan, Filipino, and more! Today, we’ll be looking at different Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders that are notable for a remarkable number of achievements in different industries such as acting, space discoveries, and civil rights movements.

  1. Kamala Harris: first female, African-American, and Asian-American to be vice president and the highest-ranking female official in U.S. History.
  2. Anna May Wong: first Chinese-American film star in Hollywood, and first Chinese-American actress to gain international recognition.
  3. Philip Vera Cruz: Filipino-American labor leader and farmworker who helped find the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee, which later turned into the United Farm Workers.
  4. Dwayne Johnson: also known as “The Rock”, is an American actor, film producer, and former professional wrestler.
  5. Duke Kahanamoku: Hawaiian Olympic swimmer that won gold medal three times and also popularized surfing back in the ’60s.
  6. Patsy Mink: the first woman of color to be elected in the House of Representatives and the first Asian-American woman to serve in congress, while also being known for working to advance legislation on women’s rights and education.

While recognizing these individuals is important, it makes more of a difference if you stay cognizant of generalized stereotypes and stay educated, as well as teach others the history of marginalized minority groups. As always, remember to strive for the impossible, be extraordinary, and have a great AAPI month!

Image Credits

Featured Image by Gonzaga University

Image #1: Anna May Wong by LAist

Image #2: Duke Kahanamoku by Surfer Today