Apply Today for Your Scholarship

It’s no secret that college is expensive: most college tuition fees vary from $25,290 to $50,900 depending on the college and degree. Tuition for in-state residents is usually a bargain, whereas for out-of-state students, it’s usually double the regular tuition fee. Not only is tuition expensive, but books, housing, meals, and other small fees aren’t exactly that cheap either.

When it comes to reducing this cost, most students turn to financial aid or just give up on college. Giving up, however, isn’t always the best idea. Another very easy way to reduce the cost of tuition is to apply for scholarships. Scholarships will help students further their education by paying for some, or even all of their tuition, depending on the donor, award, and student.

Applying for multiple scholarships might be a pain after a while, but that’s why there’s websites such as Going Merry and RaiseMe help make your life easier. Going Merry creates one application for several different scholarships, and RaiseMe uses your activities and achievements throughout high school to help accumulate scholarship dollars.

It’s thanks to websites like these that applying for scholarships is easier. Going Merry is free and saves you time from browsing multiple websites with its national, local, and school specific scholarships. Not only does it allow you to preview essay questions, but it has hundreds of scholarships that have no GPA requirement, and millions of dollars of scholarships available just for you.

RaiseMe, on the other hand, allows you to create an application, and with every achievement, you can receive scholarships from colleges from all over, which can later be redeemed if you attend that specific college. When creating your application, you include your course grades, clubs, sports, volunteer opportunities, and much more.

Going Merry and RaiseMe are only two of many websites meant to help students apply for scholarships. Don’t give up on going to college or following your dreams because of a silly, obnoxious tuition fee. It never hurts to apply; you might end up with a scholarship. After all, the best things in life come from the unexpected.

If interested, please check out these sites: