Cross Country Qualifies for State

As the middle of the second semester is approaching, fall sports are slowly coming to an end. Many of our sports have qualified to participate in State where they compete against various high school teams from all around Arizona. One such sport is boy’s and girl’s Cross Country, which will be participating in their State Meet on Saturday, November 10.

In their qualifications for the State Meet, Evie Jimenez placed in 10th, and Devon Baggot (sophomore) obtained a medal for coming up in 11th place. Connor Dosmann also excelled in his competitions by placing 3rd in the boy’s Cross Country division. In addition to these extraordinary accomplishments, Zoe Turnbow, Nardia Padilla, Joseph Maddox, and Ethan Fawkes all recorded personal best times for the year.

I interviewed Evie Jimenez (pictured to the left), the senior who was leading the girl’s team, to learn more about the experience of participating in State and how Cross Country prepares in order to succeed in their competitions:

Q: What do you anticipate this State Meet will be like?

A: This state meet will be the nicest we have ever had! Although we will be running in the afternoon shift against a larger division than last year, our teams have shown we can compete, and the weather will be gorgeous! It is going to be big with lots of schools, lots of hills, and lots of enthusiasm!

Q: Have you ever qualified for State before? If so, how was your previous experience?

A: I have qualified for state every year of my high school career! The course has fortunately never changed, so I have a “home advantage” when it comes to the course. State is located at a golf course in Phoenix, and it has been a hard run every time I compete in it. Previous experiences have been great because you mostly remember the relief you feel to be done afterward. My parents have a tradition of alternating between buying sweat pants or a T-shirt every time I go to state for a sport.

Q: How does Cross Country practice? What type of exercises and programs do you participate in?

A: Cross country practices typically involve the following: completing a two-lap warm up around the soccer field; participating in dynamic stretches with fun names; doing core and abdominal exercises (usually consisting of planks, bridges, and bicycles); taking part in a main workout, which usually entails running to Arrowhead park as a warmup, running speed intervals, hills, or a long (5-6 mile) run; jogging back to the school in order to cool down; stretching as a team; and setting team goals.

Q: What was your reaction like when you found about your teams’ qualification for the State Meet?

A: I wasn’t surprised, since our coach had us looking at our sectional rankings and times, but I was still so happy!! It was great to see everyone’s hard work pay off and match the rankings we had gone in with.

Q: Finally, do you have anything to for your teammates and coaches?

A: I have been so blessed to have teammates who push me and coaches who motivate me. Having companions to run with is fun, and setting goals together is really what it’s all about. I have learned more in this season than in any other one. I learned that we really do care about each other and want each other to succeed. I learned that if we don’t, or if we get stuck in our own heads, we don’t run as well. My parents have also been key supporters in every meet of the season.

Congratulations to the ACP Cross Country team for its qualification to State, and good look in the meet on Saturday!