Knight Times

The Student News Site of Arizona College Prep

Knight Times

Knight Times

State-Winning Decathlete: Elizabeth Ye


Each year, the United States Academic Decathlon (USAD) organizes a scholastic competition for numerous high schools across the U.S. In this competition, student teams use their skills and knowledge to win. The decathlon is composed of ten subjects, such as social science, speech, mathematics, science, music, art, economics, essay, language and literature, and an interview. ACP’s own Elizabeth Ye competed in the rivalry. Elizabeth placed first in the Varsity division for language, math, and literature. 

This November, Coach Mrs. Turner organized ACP’s first invitational relating to the theme of technology and Humanity. Our school’s team competed against nine different schools and finished 2nd overall. But when Elizabeth won Language, Literature, and Math, she was exceedingly thrilled. She joined the academic decathlon team after a friend recommended it to her, which was the beginning of her passion. It wasn’t until Elizabeth took part in the test-off and went to a team meeting that helped her realize her passion for being involved in our school’s team. During the interview with Elizabeth, she shared, “I will compete again next year if I have the time. Initially, I did not look forward to reading about some subjects; however, they ended up being very intriguing. As I looked through the guides, I found it gratifying to see the connection between the seven topics and the theme. In the academic decathlon, she studied the history of technology, including information processing and computers, as well as economics. Elizabeth advises everyone interested in joining the Academic Decathlon to not let thoughts of being under qualified or having a low GPA deter them from joining. The team is very welcoming, and everyone learns the same material. Qualifying in less competitive divisions is possible with a lower GPA.”

Elizabeth Ye was outstanding in her performance at the Academic Decathlon. This win not only means a lot to her but as a team as well. She hopes for team success in future competitions. The dedication and hard work paid off in the end, and Elizabeth deserves to be in the first place. The ACP family is very proud of her as she proved herself and strived for the impossible. Go Knights!

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