ACP Girls Soccer and Feed My Starving Children


On Thursday, January 12th, our ACP girls soccer team volunteered at Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), a non-profit organization dedicated to feeding children and families in need. FMSC has been around since 1987 and since then has expanded into more than 70 nations, with locations across the Valley and the world. I had the opportunity to interview Izzy Ford and Rylann Cravatta, about their involvement with FMSC this past weekend.

The first thing I asked Izzy was about what the team did at the FMSC location. “We helped fill, bag, weigh, seal, and package boxes of bags of rice for starving children and their families. It was just a great experience, and it was super fun as well.”

I asked her if she had any stories about what else the team was doing while volunteering at FMSC. “Well, it was just a really great experience and was really fun to have my friends and teammates there while also volunteering and trying to make the world a better place! We also had a friendly little challenge going where each table would try to bag the most rice; it was kind of like a friendly-helpful competition!”

As we were wrapping up the interview, Izzy remarked that “I learned about what was happening to children and people all over the world and that even a little bit of time spent to helping can help feed a whole family for awhile,” which is a message we should work harder at spreading across the globe, and helping out our fellow humans. This is really what the PREP way is trying to teach us, to “strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!” Go Knights!

If you would like to volunteer at FMSC click the link below: