Snack Bar’s Silver Curtain is Lifting!

Pictured is the long line for the free popcorn at the snack bar.

The rumble of the silver curtain echoed across campus for the first time in the 2019-2020 school year!  There were tears of joy and echoing WOOHOOs!  The snack bar has been reopened!  Even with the oppressive heat, during the afternoons of Monday August 5-Wednesday August 7 they gave out free popcorn to everyone in reach in order to properly celebrate this wonderful occasion!  The mouth watering scent of delicious, buttery popcorn permeated the air as we welcomed back the wonderful parent volunteers who make all this possible!

Pictured is the snack bar window serving free popcorn.

After school, on the east field, students can find the snack bar windows.  The window on the left will be open and ready for business.  Selling sweets and treats is a busy job and who better to do it than a parent volunteer who is just as excited to sell you stuff as you are to buy it!  One of the volunteers helping out on Tuesday, August 5, agreed to an interview; Kathy Greer is the President of the General Booster Club.

Kathy Greer, interviewee and President of the General Booster Club.

Where did you hear about this volunteering opportunity?

A: When our son started in seventh grade that was one of the opportunities.

What treat is sold most often if you had to guess? 

A: Ice cream! (laughing)

Do you prefer engaging with the students and selling the goods or the math and making change at the register?  

A: Oh, I like the students!  I like to interact with them, generally!

What’s your personal favorite treat from the snack bar?  

A: Oh!  A Kit Kat bar, definitely!

I’m sure we’re all very glad that the life-giving snacks of utter joy will be sold again, but we need to remember to thank all the people working there.  A simple thank you is much appreciated by all.  Enjoy your snacks!