Another Year, Another Exciting Yearbook

Another Year, Another Exciting Yearbook

One of the most looked over aspects of high school is the yearbook but when in reality, it should be a priority. The yearbook is a way for you to see today’s memories in the future and have a constant reminder of the great times that came alongside these stressful high school years. Dances, football games, spirit weeks, and special events like the pool party fill the pages, allowing you to relive some great memories all over again. You can relive those memories tomorrow, a year from now, or even 20 years from now. I’m sure most of our parents have sat us down with their yearbooks and told us all of the great stories that accompany each and every picture, reliving their so called “glory days.” That can be us someday, telling our future friends and family what we went through and who was with during this amazing time of our lives.

I cannot stress how important it is that you not only buy a yearbook, but buy one on-time. I myself have made the mistake of not ordering a yearbook only to regret it and beg Mr. Lindstrom for one of the few extras. I got lucky; however, many other students did not experience the same grace as me. Though I was lucky enough to get a yearbook at all, it was not officially given to me until after the annual yearbook signing party. Let me tell you that sitting around and wandering aimlessly during that event is not a fun time. I felt left out and sad that I had not gotten a yearbook just like everyone else had.

So, before your time runs out, make sure you get your yearbook! For the rest of this week (ending 8/17) you are able pick up and fill out the blue yearbook paper in the office and pay $65 to the office.  After this week, not only does the price increase to $70, but you may only order the yearbook online! Take advantage of the lower price and get your yearbook today!