An Interview with Will Covington, and Nina Sreeprasad (ACP S&D Team)

ACPHS’s Speech and Debate team went to their second debate tournament this past weekend (October 29th), The Knight Times is pleased to announce that ACP won the tournament overall, with several members placing within the top ten in many of the categories. Because of this, the Knight Times has decided to interview novice Will Covington, and Veteran Nina Sreeprasad about their tournament experience.


When I found Will in line for A-lunch he was more than happy to participate in an interview. “So, what was the tournament like?” I asked him, “Well,” he said, “It was a good experience and was very enjoyable. The bus ride there was pretty fun, and I made it to Quarterfinals in debate and Semifinals in Speech; Impromptu Speech specifically.” I also decided to ask him about preparation for the tournament, and he said “Well, it was pretty stressful, but ultimately rewarding. The workload was a lot, but ultimately it was easy to get done, even thought I had a limited amount of time. You can’t just show up without putting in any effort”.


I then interviewed Nina, who has been doing S&D for three years. “What did you think about the tournament?” I asked, to which she responded, “It was very fun! It was cool to see some of the novices at their first tournament and to see the veterans preparing for their next one. The bus ride to the tournament was very fun, everyone was so excited, and it was cool to see everyone start to be a part of the team culture; basically, it was exciting”. I also asked her what she placed at the tournament, and she replied, “Well, I didn’t place in debate, and I got to the semifinals in Impromptu Speech”. Finally, I asked her about the preparation for her events. “There were definitely a ton of mock debates during practice, and during class so that we could try to prepare for what other teams would say during their rebuttal, and there was definitely a lot of stress associated with it, but the overall results are definitely satisfying knowing that you prepared and tried your best!” When I asked her if she had anything else to say she replied with, “Join the Speech and Debate team next year!”

Our Speech and Debate team practices diligently and arrives at tournaments ready to win, living the PREP way. This school motto is what each and every ACP student should strive to achieve. Go Knights!