The Upcoming Knight Letterman Jacket

The Upcoming Knight Letterman Jacket

The newest addition to our school’s merch is the Knight Letterman jacket. This is the piece I’m most excited about getting because ever since seeing Letterman jackets in the movies, I have always wanted one. Throughout the years Letter man jackets have changed and grown from 1865. The style, materials and people wearing them have changed for good and without them we wouldn’t get to show all the school spirit that we can.

The Letterman jacket actually originated from Harvard university in 1865. The baseball team would wear them at the Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The players wore them because they wanted to prove their talents on the field or reach a certain level of expertise before they were lettered or awarded with a patch of their school’s initials to put on their jacket, therefore, calling it a Letter-man jacket. On the jackets there are usually stripes.  This symbolizes when you get recognized for something like making the best team, you would add a stripe so if you were on the varsity team for three years, you would have three stripes on your jacket.

A lot of times in old movies a teammate will give his girlfriend the jacket to wear as a show of love and affection. But this is not just something that happens in movies; nowadays it’s less common but some players will give that one special person a Letterman jacket. Today, everyone can get a Letterman jacket to represent their school. Letterman jackets are very comfy and nice material that will last for many years to come. Additionally, academic teams will get letter man jackets as well, showing others they are on a team, as wearing them shows support for sports and academic teams.

Letterman jackets are a great way to show school spirit and let everyone know what school you support and represent.  The jacket is very versatile, and anyone can wear it no matter their gender. They are a fun way of bringing people together and making people united. Showing up to games and activities will help you enjoy your best high school experience!  Getting the jacket or just any clothing to represent our wonderful school will show your amazing spirit! Go Knights!