FLINN Presentation Was An Absolute Hit

Our school is always looking for ways to be better: better at waste management, better school spirit, teaching and learning better, etc.. In an effort to expand our learning spectrum in biology and computing, last year we applied for and received a $5000 grant.  The grant sponsored by the FLINN foundation was aiming to introduce VMD to our school’s students.  VMD is Visual Molecular Dynamics, an advantageous computer program that models and visualizes molecules for viewing and analyzing simulations of molecular dynamics.

Our school’s Biophysics Club has been looking to integrate the VMD into the biology topics so it can be more interactive and generally more hands-on.  Well, fast forward to now and then back a week.  Michelle Sheikh, one of our juniors, and Nevan Hanford, one of our sophomores, presented their work on their Biophysics Pipeline project.  But who, pray tell, did they present to?  They got to present to FLINN representatives Anne Lassen- the VP of FLINN Scholarship and Education Initiatives, Mary O’Railley- the VP of FLINN Bioscience Research Program, and ASU professor, Dr. Barbara Munk- from ASU School of Molecular Sciences!  For such a distinguished crowd, Michelle and Nevan didn’t seem the least bit nervous; their presentation was incredibly successful and their plan was apparently not only plausible, but impressive.

Mrs. Sheikh and Mr. Hanford presented such an outstanding plan that they have been invited to present again, but this time to the CEO of the FLINN foundation!  These extraordinary students are making a better future for themselves and everyone else, as high school students!  Next year in January these notable students will be recognized by FLINN at FLINN headquarters for their work, but to make it more monumental, the students have been invited to publish their work in a Biophysical Journal.  Congratulations on all accounts, Michelle and Nevan!  GO, KNIGHTS!