CTE (Career & Technical Education)

Taken from CUSD News website

CTE is a program that teaches students from all age groups the academic and technical skills to succeed and provide knowledge and training needed to excel at future careers.  CTE has 12.5 million students enrolled right now, but the program caters mostly to high school and college-age students.  This program held a celebration at the Chandler Center for the Arts on Monday night, August 12, 2019.

Mr. Lindstrom is one of our ACP teachers that is heavily involved and “in the know” about this advantageous program.  He was interviewed about it to give valuable information.

The interviewee Mr. Lindstrom

Q: What are most of the CTE celebrations all about?

A: All of the celebrations are about the credentials students earn when they take a state assessment.  When they pass the state assessment, they earn a state certificate that basically approves them to work in that field or be highly qualified, so it’s kind of a celebration for all those students that earn that accolade.

Q: Do you had students who received “brags” from CTE?

A:  We have one of the best programs in the state as far as test scores go.  Every student has passed the assessment; nobody’s ever not passed it.  We’ve had a 100% success rate.  Any student that’s taking our film program has been a completer.  That means they finished in two years and passed the state certification.

Q: Why is CTE important?

Taken from CUSD News websiteA: It’s great for students in districts with higher poverty levels because these students are able to find a career path in high school where they can learn a trade skill as opposed to taking a remedial math classes and electives that they may not be interested in.  Schools with students that do take the CTE program have a 90% graduation rate, which basically allows them to pursue a college career or get into that profession.

Taken from Saddleback Valley United School District website

Q: What are some CTE careers?

A: At our school we have CTE for Marketing, Computer Science, and Film and Media other campuses have auto, cabinetry, woodworking, Early Childhood Development, Culinary, Digital Photo, – any type of profession they can teach in school they do, and it helps the students.

Students who are able to learn trade skills are given a valuable opportunity that our ACP students also take advantage of.  The CTE celebration on Monday was a chance to celebrate the hard-working students of our district.