Elaina Ashton and the STEM Powerhouse

The STEM curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is well known for being one of the most difficult, yet rewarding group of academic disciplines in the nation. Despite the challenge, many of our ACP students continue to pursue academic excellence in sciences. Leading the crusade on scientific excellence, Elaina Ashton has already been pronounced as an esteemed scientific powerhouse on our campus. From multiple locally recognized awards to pivotal scientific projects, Elaina continues to run the scientific front at our school. This month, Elaina is taking charge at the STEM expo, an alternative to the well-known science fairs that occur across the nation. I met with Elaina to discuss her thoughts on the STEM expo.

Q: What is the STEM expo?

A: The STEM expo is an event where students can join and explore every different aspect of STEM from science to math?

Q: What is your role in this expo?

A: I am running the event, which means I didn’t have to submit a project. It’s an amazing landmark in my scientific career and signals a change in both how we approach STEM and how students can impact the system.

Q: What do you hope to achieve with your project, or hope to achieve by participating in the expo?

A: I did run a few booths and invite multiple outside exhibitors to our event, in hopes that we could spread the awareness of STEM and STEM careers/fields on the school campus.

Q: Why are you participating in the expo?

A: I really love and enjoy STEM, and it’s my passion to help spread the love and amazing aspects about STEM to the community.

Q: What advice can you offer to students who are you trying to get to where you are with STEM?

A: Have a bunch of curiosity! If you’re never curious, then you’ll never learn half the things you could!

Elaina Ashton provides the backbone to our scientific achievements on this campus. For students interested in science and STEM-based careers, now is the time to join STEM programs on our campus. For more information, please meet with any of our science teachers on campus to learn more about what you can do on the forefront of science.

Congratulations to our outstanding future ACP scientists!