Winner’s Choice Raffle
In elementary school, my school always participated in a school-wide fair. Volunteers from all over, including families and community members, transitioned my school into a carnival-like setup. All students were welcome to enjoy a day of fun games, win prizes, and partake in a school-wide raffle. If you had the winning raffle ticket, you won a brand new car! Now, as a seven-year-old, I didn’t care about a new car, but my parents sure did! Even though I am not in elementary school, ACP is keeping this tradition of having a school-wide raffle alive.
ACP is currently participating in the Winner’s Choice Raffle, a CUSD district-wide Raffle. Are you interested in winning many prizes, including Beats Headphones, a home theater projector, gift cards, Amazon Echoes, and much more? Well, you’re in luck! All ACP teachers have tickets to sell, or you can visit to purchase a ticket. Knights, if you purchase a ticket today, December 11, you will be eligible for the Early Bird Drawing that takes place tomorrow, December 12. Also, if you win a prize, you will be automatically entered in the drawing for the grand prize of a car or $20,000 cash! This grand prize drawing takes place on Sunday, January 27, 2019, at the Chandler Fashion Center.
Knights, this raffle isn’t only about the prizes. All proceeds form this raffle benefit us, students of the CUSD District. All students and faculty of CUSD will be granted money for grant funding, scholarships, and also specific programs funded by the Chandler Education Foundation. This year alone, about 44,000 students were impacted, with a total of $75,000 for classrooms, $175,000 in scholarships awarded, and 20,570 total service hours. This raffle truly is a win-win situation!
Knights, make sure to participate in this raffle for a chance to win unbeatable prizes while still giving back to our district. You and your families won’ regret this raffle ticket purchase!