5 Tips to Stay Motivated

As the year progresses and finals approach, it can be hard to stay motivated with the rest of your classwork or out-of-school activities. If you’re having trouble staying motivated with school or life in general, here are five tips to help you out.

Tip #1: Set multiple, small goals that are easily achievable

One thing that most students do is over-analyze and over-exert themselves with large, almost unattainable goals to reach in a short period of time. Setting goals like “Raise grade from an 82 to a 90” is an extremely hard goal to reach in a short period of time, but if you set a goal like “raise grade from 82 to 85” and set a goal later of  “85 to 88” it becomes easier to obtain.

Tip #2: Focus on the high-impact assignments

At this time of year, finals are obviously the most important “assignment” to focus on, so spend more time studying and less time on the low point value worksheets. You’re obviously going to want to do those low point worksheets, but its not worth the time and energy to devote more time on small assignments than larger ones.

Tip #3: Prioritize based on your interests

One of the best ways to keep yourself motivated is to make sure you focus on the activities that you enjoy doing. It’s hard to keep motivated when surrounded by objects and activities that you don’t find interesting or intriguing. The best way to do this is to make a plan of what order to do each assignment in: from most to least interesting. Then, spend the most amount of time on the enjoyable ones.

Tip #4: Make sure you get a good amount of sleep each night

Speaking from experience, not getting enough sleep can completely tank your motivation. You can become groggy, cranky, unfocused, and most of all tired (obviously). With all of these side effects of sleep deprivation, making sure you maintain motivation is extremely difficult as your mind becomes shrouded with the desire to sleep.When you’re well rested, then focusing, staying motivated, and getting work done is much easier.

Tip #5: Stay Organized

Organization is key to keeping yourself motivated and being ready to tackle the day. Keep an agenda, organize your binders, keep your backpack clean, and most importantly keep your room clean. Having a clean and organized space to think and work in is essential in staying both motivated and on top of the work that needs to be done.

So Knights, hopefully these tips work for you and keep you motivated in this stressful time of year. If you have any other tips or tricks to stay motivated, be sure to let your fellow classmates know!