Securing the Safety of Student: ACP’s New Security Guards


When ACP students arrived on campus on the first day of school, they were surprised to find two additions to the campus: two new security guards. Coach Webb and Shawn Curbello (known as Shawn) were hired this year to protect students and watch over their safety. After hitting it off with the students, they can be seen riding the school golf carts and giving rides to many students. They also enjoy helping students out with projects, as they helped Mrs. Patterson’s seniors with their Canterbury Tales projects. I took it upon myself to interview Coach Webb and Shawn and ask them the questions that everyone is dying to know:

Q: What is your main priority when you’re at school?

Shawn: The security of the school.

Coach Webb: Security, safety, and wellness of the kids.

Q: Would you recommend your profession to any students?

Coach Webb: Yeah, it’s a lot of fun.

Q: What inspired you to become a security guard?

Shawn: I used to be a police officer and I enjoyed working with kids.

Q: Why did you chose to come to ACP?

Shawn: Because they were the first ones to hire me.

Coach Webb: You all are a good bunch of kids. You guys are fun.

Shawn: There are a lot of good kids here

Coach Webb: We don’t have to worry about a lot of things. You guys are awesome.

Q: What’s the best thing about being a security guard?

Shawn: Working with you guys.

Coach Webb: Exactly-working with you guys.

As our short interview ended, I thanked both of them for a very interesting conversation. As I walked back to class, I could only think about how much fun both Coach Webb and Shawn are going to have here at ACP. Without a doubt, both are going to become legends on campus like those before them.