Celebrating Mole Day

Mole day has been a tradition at ACP for a while.  Every year, both honors and AP Chemistry students can be seen entering Mr. J’s class with tons of food, drinks, and smiles.  An hour of fun and relaxation awaits them, a reward for their hard work in the first quarter.  But what exactly is mole day?  Mr. J was kind enough to answer that very question for me.

“Well, mole day is a celebration of chemistry and Avogadro’s number,” said Mr J, “and Avogadro’s number is 6.02 x 10^23, so Mole Day is celebrated on October 23”.

Students will learn more about Avogadro’s number (called the mole) in Honors Chemistry.  However, learning about the mole isn’t the only thing students have to look forward to in this class.  The annual mole day party is always one of the highlights of the year.  Why?  Well, according to Mr. J, Mole Day is all about “Basically eating all manners of junk food.”

This year’s Mole Day celebrations proved Mr. J’s point.  Some of the highlights from this year’s parties included donuts, waffles and pancakes in the earlier classes, as well as pizza, chips, and cotton candy later in the afternoon.  The parties this year, no doubt, left everyone involved with good memories and full stomachs.  Here’s to hoping that Mole Day remains an ACP tradition for years to come.