New Teacher Interview: Mrs. Morales

Mrs. Morales is a new world language teacher here at ACP, who teaches Spanish 1 and 2, and is quite experienced, making great strides in teaching Spanish to her students so far, combining traditional teaching with fun projects, speaking assessments, and more! I had the opportunity to interview Mrs. Morales about her life here at ACP.

The first thing I asked was, “if you could travel anywhere in the world with infinite money and time, where would you go?”

“Ooh! that would be awesome!” she remarked. “I would go to Europe first: Italy, France, Austria, England, Spain Portugal, Morocco, Greece. Then, I would love to visit every country in South America, including the Easter Island and Patagonia Region in Argentina.”

The second thing I asked was about which flavor of ice cream Mrs. Morales would be, and why. “I would definitely be coconut because it is the Caribbean flavor,” she responded.

“What was your major in college and why did you choose it?”

“My major was music. I always loved music and wanted to learn an instrument.” I also asked her about her career prior to teaching at ACP, “Well, I was a full-time mom before I started teaching. Then, I worked for five years at Anderson Junior High before ACP.”

Finally, I asked her what her favorite part of teaching at ACP was, “It’s my awesome World Language Department team, not to brag or anything, but they are the best.”

Mrs. Morales is an excellent addition to our amazing team of World Language teachers, and staff. She has made great strides in teaching Spanish to people from freshman year to junior year all across the school, and always makes sure to follow the PREP way. Go Knights!