Final Exams of Semester One: What You Need to Know
Final exams are coming up next month, which means our first semester is closing. Soon our students here will be on their way for the winter holidays and reconvening in January, with our school year being halfway through. While it sounds bittersweet, this is a time to celebrate and study. Many classes are finalizing the main content focus and are transitioning into review and practice. We wanted to give all of you the information you need to know, whether you are a student or a parent.
When are finals and how long do they last? Finals will occur over the course of December 21st and 22nd, on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. Each class is 90 minutes with seven-minute passing periods. The lessons follow our standard block schedule, and everyone will be released at 12:05, which means that the days of finals are early releases for everyone. No lunch will be served, but students are welcome to bring small snacks to eat during passing periods.
What if I can’t make it to the finals? While you can’t take the exams early, you are able to take the exams within the first two weeks of winter break, so there is no need to stress out if you do miss the actual exam day.
How can I prepare for finals? Most if not all teachers that hold final exams will give out physical or digital study guides that guide students in the content that will be covered on the exam. We also recommend creating flashcards and going over notes. One of my personal ways that I study is by taking notes of my notes to break it all down into what is needed. You can also study with other people if that is what helps you. Every person studies a bit differently; recently I have heard of a new form where you write questions for yourself about the content, and these commonly are similar questions asked on the exam.
We hope this information can help you all get ready for the upcoming finals. Go Knights!