Taking Advantage of Break

Taking Advantage of Break

Break is that wonderful, homework-free time students look forward to. Without school to govern what we do throughout the day, we might choose to sit around and do nothing all day.

It is easy to cast aside our notebooks during break and forget about what we have been learning. We just want to sit back and relax. While we do need the time to do so, it is important to keep information fresh in our minds so we can be ready when school starts up again. It does not have to be much; just about 10 or so minutes to look over old notes or review a concept that was hard for you to begin with. An easy way to do this would be to make flashcards, or use sets you have already made, and quickly go through them once a day.

For some of us, it might be second nature to put every little thing in its place. For others, our binders and backpacks look as if a miniature tornado destroyed whatever system we had. Unorganized materials make it take longer to find specific papers and notes we need. Organizing school supplies also helps you know if you need more of something, like paper or pencil lead.

Instead of watching TV or playing video games all day, it is important to do one or two things that are productive. Simply doing a chore or exercising will put a bit of variation into your day. Even going outside to play is productive, and it also provides a change of scenery.