New Teacher Interview: Mr. Schaffer

Mr. Schaffer, one of our newest ACPHS teaches instructs freshmen on Honors and AP World History. As an an experienced teacher of many years, he has made great strides in teaching world history to his students so far, with fun projects for AP, and lectures for his honors students. I had the honor of interviewing Mr. Schaffer for the Knight Times, and even though he has been teaching for a while, Mr. Schaffer “felt like a freshman during the first few weeks of school, when it came to asking staff, and administration for advice, directions, protocol, etc.,” which is something all students, and new staff alike can relate to.

When the Knight Times inquired about the relationships that he has formed over these preliminary weeks of the year, he said that he “is lucky to have worked with several staff members at his previous job” as enjoys collaborating with teachers in the history department who are excellent colleagues that have helped him a great deal while he is settling into the AP curriculum. When asked about ACP, Mr. Schaffer responded with “I love ACP! the staff and admin are friendly, and I have truly enjoyed working with my students, and I’ve begun a positive rapport with them!” His life outside of school includes reading fiction and non-fiction, watching baseball and football (he supports our very own Arizona Cardinals) and going on cruises with his wife and three amazing sons.

Mr. Schaffer is a wonderful inclusion to the ACP family, and as the school grows, we hope to gain many more amazing teachers to join the Knight Family. Go Knights!