Making a Splash, Ian Kung


In 1896, the Olympic games officially named Swimming as a sport, and ever since then there’s been a large community for it. Our school is no different. Recently the Individual Medley Extreme swim meet was held, and ACP’s Ian Kung took a spot high up in the 300 competing athletes. We decided to ask him a few questions about the competition and how he did so well.

Q: What is the Medley Extreme Swim Meet?

A: IMX or Individual Medley Extreme is a swim meet held nationwide where swimmers of all levels can compete in the same events relative to their age groups in all disciplines of swim strokes.

Q: How many competitors were there?

A: About 300 athletes took place in this swim meet locally.

Q: What were the competitions they offered?

A: The 200 butterfly, 200 breaststroke, 200 backstroke, 200 freestyle, 200 Individual Medley, 400 Individual Medley, and the 500 freestyle were offered as races.

Q: What competitions did you participate in?

A: In order to score, a swimmer has to swim all events. I participated in all these events listed above.

Q: How long have you been swimming competitively?

A: I have been swimming competitively for about six years starting from when I was nine years old.

Q: Why do you swim? What do you like about it?

A: I swim mainly to stay active and also have fun. I enjoy swimming because of the friendly competitions, and more importantly, the lifelong friendship it brings.

We are all proud of the splash that Ian made within the swimming community. The Medley Extreme is a yearly event that anyone can join; if the IMX sounds like an event for you, be sure to look into it. Go Knights!