Whipping Up An Production: KOS Presents OZ!


Photo courtesy of Marvel (Marvel Designs).

Photo courtesy of Knightly Update.

ACP KOS has done it once again! They’re whipping up another outstanding production that will amaze their fellow Knights on April 15-17 at 7:00 P.M. and again on April 18th at 3:00 P.M. They are presenting a one-act play, OZ, to showcase many of the amazing KOS seniors. Seats are limited to 50 people to ensure the safety of everyone attending and those participating. The loved ones of those involved are invited first, but the remaining seats can be filled up with people like you! A QR code will be shared, so be sure to scan that if you want to attend. Tickets are free for you to attend! Now, to learn more about what went into this production, I talked with Ellie Takeuchi, a member of the International Thespian Society, who is acting in this production, and Grace Gardner, who is the Main Stage Manager and Assistant Director for OZ.

Presenting Ellie Takeuchi!

Q: How has preparing for this production been different from past productions?

A: We’ve had a shorter amount of time to prepare compared to our past productions. COVID has also made it a lot different since regulations have made it harder to find time outside of school to prepare. Even though there have been some setbacks, I feel that our cast and crew has worked harder than ever to put this show on, despite the challenges.

Q: What role are you playing in this production? 

A: I am playing Glinda the Hood Witch in this production.

Q: What is something unique about the character you are playing?

A: My Glinda is different than the typical bubbly Glinda you think of from The Wizard of Oz. She’s psychotic, but in the best way. She also sings.

Q: If you could play another character in this production, who would it be and why?

A: If I could play another character in this production, I would want to play Beth because I think that her self-discovery throughout the play is really interesting. I feel like it’s a great opportunity to explore her character’s growth, but I’m extremely happy with Glinda because she’s really fun to portray.

Q: What has been your favorite moment behind this production?

A: My favorite moment of this production has been seeing the props and set pieces being completed. Our tech crew and Mrs. Lew’s theatre and stagecraft classes have worked so hard to bring the world together. It has been amazing to see the process and accomplishments being made.

Presenting Grace Gardner!

Q: How has technical preparation for this production been different from past productions?

A: The technical production was more limited than our past productions because we are trying to be safe and make sure that we have the right equipment.

Q: What is your favorite thing about this specific production so far?

A: I love the set changes and the use of safety in our show.

Q: What has been your favorite moment behind this production?

A: My favorite moment has been working with the new crew and getting to show them the ropes before I leave.

Q: What went into planning for this production?

A: We had limited time, so we focused on showcasing our ITS (International Thespian Society) seniors.

Q: What should audiences look forward to the most?

A: Look for the seniors and enjoy the energy and comedy that comes with the land of OZ!

I would like to thank Ellie and Grace for taking time out of their busy schedules, as everyone who has participated in theater knows how crazy Tech Week, or “Hell Week”, is. I, along with the entire Knight Family, can’t wait to see the final product of everyone’s hard work. Good luck to everyone performing on stage and working back stage! Please go see this play if you can, you won’t regret it. Don’t forget to strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!