Spring Fashion for the Boys!


Photo courtesy of Arizona Daily Star.

Hey there Knights! It’s April and that means the short, Arizona spring is in full swing, so you better enjoy it while you can before we all resort to hiding indoors from the overly hot sun. That being said, any time a new season comes around, the attire always changes to fit the season; with that, I have put together a quality outfit for any guy to wear to embrace the spring season.

Firstly, you got to have a great shirt to match the spring aesthetic, so I figured, “hey what stands out?” Nothing stands out more than a bright blue, orange, and white button-up shirt. Pair that up with a nice pair of black shorts and some Vans and that is a quality spring outfit. If you’re like me and live in the colour black, you can always fall back on old reliable and wear a black hoodie and some sweatpants!

If that’s less your style, then there are always the universal go-tos, the shoes make every outfit better. If you’re into vans, they pair nicely with a pair of jeans, and if you’re a sports person, running shoes never fail to pair well with some gym shorts.

One last option that never fails to stand out in a crowd is sweat shorts and graphic tee’s. Graphic tee’s can range from anything from some paint splatter on a black shirt, to a shirt entirely covered in random shapes and objects. The right colour shorts with a good short-sleeve tee is always going to draw eyes from those around you. With COVID masks still being required in most places, always remember to match the mask with the fit!

I hope that gave you an idea of what to wear if you so decide to venture outside this spring! Have a good three-day weekend Knights, and Remember to Strive for the Impossible and be Extraordinary!