What Does Our Brain Do When We’re Sleeping?
Dreams are crazy, seemingly out of this world experiences we humans have when we are asleep. But why is that? Dreaming has always been an extremely interesting topic for those studying it for as long as can be remembered. That being said, do we know why we dream when we sleep?
The answer is yes, kind of: dreams are hallucinations that occur during certain stages of sleep. They are strongest when your body is carrying out REM, or having Rapid Eye Movement when your eyes are closed. However, when your body is having what is called a “REM Dream”, your body is much less likely to remember these dreams then when your body is passively dreaming. An article that was medically revised by Debra Sullivan states, “Dreams may be ways of confronting emotional dramas in your life”. When you’re dreaming, the part of your brain called the amygdala is being used the most. This is the part of your brain that gives you your natural survival instincts or your fight-or-flight responses. However, thankfully the brainstems stop your brain from using these instincts while you’re sleeping, stopping you from running or punching in your sleep.
Dreams can also be thought of as a way for your brain to release its creative tendencies. This is why you may hear an artist or someone who uses creative thinking in their work credit some creative ideas with dreams they’ve had previously. This may have been a reason you woke up with a great idea that you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. When you’re awake, your brain uses logic to stop overly creative tendencies for creating out-of-this-world thoughts.
Knights, the next time you have a crazy dream you can’t believe you had, write it down so you can remember the crazy adventures you went on while you were asleep. Stay safe, and remember to strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!